TravelSpend feels like it’s been designed by people who’ve actually spent time on the road.
You can upgrade to get unlimited envelopes, five years of history, and more for $6/month or $50/year. There’s a forever-free version with 20 envelopes and one-year history, available for both Android and iOS. Of course, it only works if you stop spending after reaching your personal limit! Envelopes can be marked irregular, recurring, or used for specific, expensive items like flight tickets or a new laptop. This way, you plan ahead instead of just tracking. You start by creating the categories you’ll spend money on, then assign a certain budget to each of them in advance, much like putting money in physical envelopes to keep it separate. Goodbudget uses the concept of “envelopes” to help you manage your funds. The full version, which includes multiple currencies and customizable categories, costs $1.99. The pricing model has changed since our review, too - it’s now free for the first 25 entries, but unlimited use has risen from $1.99 to $4.99.Īn alternative is TrabeePocket, which has both iOS and Android versions and offers its basic version for free. It’s iOS only, though, and purely for expense tracking - you can’t add any income. Long story short: it’s one of the most intuitive apps I ever used.
It’s completely usable offline, and the currency rates update when you reconnect to the Internet. You’re able to individually choose categories, then assign each expenditure to one of those categories in the currency of your choice. We reviewed an early version here, and I have to say, it remains one of the easiest budget-tracking apps to use. Created by travel bloggers a few years back, it’s now been used by over 150,000 travelers. Trail Wallet is often the first travel budgeting app you come across when you start searching. Here’s my experience, and what I found to be the best apps for tracking your budget while traveling. I started researching budget-tracking apps, and as soon as my weak Wi-Fi connection allowed, downloaded and tried them out. I already used a few tools to manage my finances on the go, but I really had to focus on budgeting if I wanted to stay on the road much longer. So while I was running to the next ATM, I also decided it was really time to do something about tracking all the money flowing out of my pockets. Luckily there was a heated discussion going on at the counter, so I had a little more time… to realize, right, I went out for dinner with my friend.
Where the hell were those two 500 rupee notes I had taken out of the ATM just… one, two days before?
I was queuing to purchase my first overnight train ticket, there was only one woman in front of me, and I was rummaging through my wallet.
It happened one sultry afternoon in the buzzing city of Bangalore, India.